If you have questions regarding your Vacation Fund deposits, please contact the Great Lakes Credit Union.
Phone: (800) 982-7850
Email: depositops@glcu.org
Website: https://www.glcu.org/about-us/contact/
The 2024 1099-R form
It can be downloaded directly from
your EIT member account:
1. If you are a First Time User, you will need to setup your
account. Go to the
page, click Register and follow the prompts to create your
2. If you are a Returning User, click
to log in to your account.
3. Once you are logged in, click on the Documents tab in the
banner menu and look for the record 1099-R Tax Form.
4. Click on the document link and the form will open in a new
popup, from there you can Print and/or Download the form.
1095-B Health Coverage Tax Documents
The Form 1095-B, Health Coverage, is an annual report that identifies the months in which you and
any dependents were enrolled in "minimum essential coverage" through the EIT Health & Welfare Plans ("the Plan").
The Plan is required to report this information to the Internal Revenue Service annually. A copy of this
form is available to you upon request.
If you would like a copy of your current Form 1095-B,
please send your request to:
EIT Health & Welfare Plans
6195 W 115th Street
Alsip, IL 60803
Or contact the Fund Office via:
Email: askeit@fundoffice.org
Telephone: 312-782-5442, ext. 952
The Fund Office will mail your 1095-B to the address on file
within 30 days of your request unless you request to receive it electronically.
What's New?
Click on the links below for more information.

- to find out how to verify a HealthEquity card transaction
Click here for info on Machine Readable Files
Our Address:
6195 West 115th Street
Alsip, IL 60803
Our Phone Numbers:
(312) 782-5442
(312) 782-4431 (FAX)
Our Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30am-4:30pm