Injured at work? Unemployed? Disabled? If you are experiencing any of these or other changes in your employment,
please contact the Fund Office IMMEDIATELY at (312) 782-5442. You may be entitled to benefits that can help you
through this difficult time and we are here to help you.
For participants performing work under the Prinicpal (Construction) agreement and the Residential agreement.
For participants performing work under the Communication agreement.
For participants performing work under the Hotel, Maintenance, Sign, Lighting Maintenance, Motor Shop, Switchboard and other collective bargaining agreements.
For non-bargained office employees and owners of construction and communication employers.
For bargained office employees of construction and communication employers.
For office employees of electrical industry entities.
Frequently asked questions regarding health care reform.
Participant Login

Please contact the
Information Technology Group
(312) 782-5442 x959
If leaving a voice message, please record your name, the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number and a description of the problem you are having.